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Events and Activities

CUAFS Support Sessions run every Thursday evenings from 6pm to 8pm.


These sessions are meant for all students on Accounting and Finance related courses. We aim to help you with advice on course related issues such as exams, courseworks and other general queries. We will also help you with your job hunt and suggest you ways to improve your transferrable skills.


You could also use this as a forum to leave your feedback regarding any course or university related issues which will be forwarded to the Student Rep System.


Since the places are limited, we encourage you to register for the Support Sessions by filling out this form. Once we receive your registration we will send you a confirmation. We will encourage you to actively participate in CUAFS activities and our online networks in order to enable you to maximize the benefits that the Society can provide you with.


CUAFS Support Sessions

Online Quiz

Feel like an Accounting & Finance Wizard? Why don't you have a go at our online interactive quiz and see how well you do.


Good luck!

Combat Sambo and Judo

We felt that accountants, auditors and financial advisers should not be restricted to the office only, which is why we have introduced the training of Judo and Combat Sambo as a part of our weekly activities for the academic year 2014-2015.


This is available exclusively to our members and we DO NOT charge for this training. However, it is important that you sign up early because the spaces are limited.


Training commences from October 2014 and runs weekly on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays for 2 hours.


Training is provided by certified trainers.



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